Are you fascinated with the moon? Do you ever keep wondering what’s up there? Do you watch the big, bright disc during a full moon? You’re definitely not alone! Ever since, people have been fascinated by the moon and the lunar cycle. It’s deeply ingrained in many cultures across the planet. Now you can have your own small but no less fascinating moon in your own four walls at home – with your own fascinating moon lamp.
For millennials, people have believed in a connection between the lunar cycle and living organisms on earth. The bright disc does not only affect the tides of the sea but it is also meant to affect human behavior and health.
Does the moon really affect your sleep? Does it impact women’s menstrual cycles? Does the moon cause madness among people? Is that why the word “lunacy” came up? Many people complain about bad sleep during a full moon. And even Brighton Police announced more violence during the full moon in 2007.
So how does this wondrous, pearly object in the night sky affect our lives?
How does the moon affect us humans?

Not only people living in the 21st century are we fascinated by the moon. The lunar cycle is part of many ancient cultures. Not only tribes believe in the moon’s influence on sickness and health but also people today think it can affect their well-being.
So let’s go back and have a look at the early folklore. There’s hardly any ancient culture that did not think about the moon’s impact on life on earth. From ancient Rome to Hinduism, the moon was and still is believed to play a big role in daily life.
In ancient Greece and Rome girls, usually, got special amulets for their birthdays. These amulets had the shape of a crescent and were believed to protect their owner from evil spirits. Furthermore, they were meant to improve fertility and protect women when they gave birth.
In the 16th century, the tracking of the moon became a popular discipline. It played a major role in medicine since physicians believed the moon would affect their patients. Scientists even started to develop charts that showed the connection between the moon’s position and peoples’ health.
Also in Hinduism, the moon plays a major role. Its changing shape and its movement are embodied by the god Chandra. According to the story, Chandra was cursed by his 26 wives because he neglected them. Instead, he spent too much time with his 27th wife. Due to the curse, Chandra got sick. Today, the growing and fading illness is reflected by the moon’s cycle.
Even nowadays, some Indian’s believe they should not consume any food during a lunar eclipse. You can find several articles published in newspapers stating that the consumption of food during a lunar eclipse is harmful to your health. According to the articles, strong emissions of ultraviolet rays exist during this time. When food is cooked and prepared with water, more emissions are attracted. Therefore, the food will turn into poison and harm one’s health when eaten.
How does the lunar cycle affect the menstrual cycle

For centuries, women believe in a connection between the lunar cycle and the menstrual cycle. For sure there’s an etymological connection between both. “Mene” is Greek and means nothing else than moon. The word “mensis” comes from ancient Rome. Translated it means month.
However, the scientific connection is not as clear and straightforward. In 1708, physicist Richard Mead started to study the influence of the sun and the moon on living creatures. He wanted to see how animals’ bodies and diseases are influenced by their cycles.
Mead based his studies on Isaac Newton’s theories and came up with the following proposal: The fluids in the human body are affected by the moon’s gravitational pull. Therefore, certain conditions, such as epilepsy, kidney stones, or the menstrual cycle, can be worsened by the cycle of the moon.
However, no other scientist found any proof to support Mead’s theories. Still, it did not change that many people believe in the connection between the moon’s cycle and women’s menstrual cycles.
To shed more light on this area, another study was carried out in 2016. Every year, thousands of women track their menstrual cycle with the period tracker app “Clue”. Scientists used the app’s data and analyzed the menstrual cycles of more than 1.5 million women across the planet. By doing so, they wanted to find out whether there was a connection between the moon’s cycle and women’s menstrual cycle.
However, the study didn’t find any link between both. Instead, the study suggests that women’s periods start randomly across the month. The lunar phase itself has no influence on it.
Does the moon affect our sleep?

Have you ever experienced disrupted sleep during a full moon? If so, you’re definitely not alone. Many people complain about poor sleep when the moon is at its fullest. Of course, several studies have been carried out on this subject. However, scientific proof is inconsistent.
In 2013, another study was conducted. Scientists measured the quality of sleep of 33 volunteers. They found out that it took the participants around five minutes longer to fall asleep during a full moon. Furthermore, the volunteers spend around one-third less time in deep sleep.
One might think that the bright light of a full moon could have affected the participants. However, since the study was conducted in a sleep laboratory where the amount of light was regulated each night, there is no chance that the moon’s light could have impacted the volunteers’ sleep.
In the following years, two similar experiments were carried out. However, they were not able to replicate the results the study in 2013 found.
These findings don’t change peoples’ beliefs. Still, many complain about poor sleep during a full moon. People find it harder to fall asleep; they wake up more often, and feel exhausted the next morning. Maybe, you’ve experienced it too!
The moon and lunacy

Have you heard of the many different stories and tales about the fearsome werewolves that come to life at night when the moon shines its bright light on the world? These mystical creatures are supposed to be the most active during a full moon. Today, werewolves are merely part of children’s stories and tales, aren’t they?
In 2007, the Brighton Police announced that they need more officers on duty during a full moon. They do not only report an increased number of crimes but also more severe violence and arrests. So, is it true that the moon affects human behavior? Do some of us become more aggressive during a full moon?
For thousands of years, people believe the moon can make us go mad. No wonder why madmen are often called lunatics. Even Aristotle started to look into the association between the lunar cycle and humans’ extreme behavior and mental illnesses. According to Aristotle, the moon can impact our brain’s high water content. Like it does with the sea, the moon also causes “tides” in our brain which lead to an increased violent behavior, seizures, and mental illnesses.
However, later studies did not find any link between the moon’s phases and an increased rate of crimes, suicides, and mental health admissions. So is there really a correlation between the lunar cycle and mental health?
A recent study in 2019 looked into the topic once more. Scientists analyzed data of almost 18,000 individuals who were currently treated at various mental health clinics across the world. The whole study was conducted over a period of ten years and included people from all different backgrounds, genders, ages, and cultures. In the end, scientists did not find any reason to believe that the mental well-being of the patients was affected by the moon.
Does the moon not affect humans at all?

There is no scientific proof that the moon affects women’s menstrual cycles, human’s sleep, or mental well-being. However, the moon does affect light as well as gravity. And thereby, it impacts the way we humans live our lives.
Of course, the moon affects the way we order our time, it affects our ability to navigate, and for some, it even impacts their ability to determine what the future holds for them. Have you never been to a fortune-teller who will read your future just with the help of the moon? In the end, everybody has to decide for themselves whether they believe in the impact the moon has or not.
However, it certainly does affect other living organisms on our planet. For example, corals appear to time their spawning according to the moon phases.
What is a lunar eclipse?

The lunar eclipse does not only seem dramatic but is also considered to have a great impact on humans. Different cultures around the world expect their fortune to change when a lunar eclipse occurs. Some cultures even view this phenomenon as a sign of bad luck.
The ancient Mesopotamians thought the lunar eclipse was an assault on their beloved king. To prevent their king from harm, they installed special deputy kings during an eclipse. The Hupa and Luiseño of California, instead, believed an eclipse occurred due to the moon’s sickness.
Each culture has its own interpretation of a lunar eclipse. Today, we do know the reason why the so-called “blood moon” occurs. However, this does not make the phenomenon any less fascinating. Instead of the bright, grey disc, we can first spot a yellow and orange disc in the night sky which, finally, turns dark red. No wonder, people started calling this phenomenon blood moon.
How does the lunar eclipse occur?
A lunar eclipse takes place when the moon moves into the earth’s shadow until the earth is directly between the moon and the sun. This phenomenon can only occur during a full moon.
First, the moon moves into the earth’s penumbra. In this position, the earth only shadows some light coming from the sun. Therefore, the moon’s disc will slowly get dimmer and dimmer until the entire light is blocked by the earth. Now, the moon is in earth’s umbra. No direct sunlight reaches the moon. The only light you see has been reflected by the earth’s atmosphere. Therefore, the moon shines in reddish light.
Why does the moon look red during an eclipse?

But why does the moon’s color change when it moves into the earth’s shadow? First, you need to know that all light, no matter the length of its waves, travels at the same speed while it passes through different materials. For example, when light moves from the vacuum of space into the earth’s denser atmosphere the speed of different wavelengths remains the same.
However, different wavelengths are reflected and scattered in different ways due to their different frequencies. For example, blue light has a shorter wavelength than red light. Therefore, it is scattered in a different way and doesn’t reach the moon when it’s in the earth’s umbra. Only the longer wavelengths of the red light can reach the moon and make it shine in the typical reddish color. This phenomenon lasts about 14 minutes before the moon moves back into earth’s penumbra.
Have your own moon at home with your 3D moon lamp

Even if scientific research did not find evidence for a connection between the lunar cycle and humans’ sleeping patterns, mental well-being, or menstrual cycles it’s still fascinating. Do you love watching the big bright disc while going for a night stroll or while driving home late at night?
If so, you now have the chance to get your own, personal moon light lamp for your home! No need to get outside during the night to watch the moon. Just lie down on your bed, turn on your moon night lamp and let your thoughts wander.
The moon lamp for your home
Our moonlight lamp is a detailed replica of the moon, but small enough to fit perfectly in any of your rooms. On the 3D printed moon lamp, you can see all craters and seas as you can see on the real moon in the sky. However, you don’t need a telescope to watch them. Explore the 3D lunar landscape with your own moon lamp at home.
Do you have kids? Are they curious about the moon too? Children love watching and holding our unique moonlight lamp. Thanks to the rechargeable battery, you can carry the moon night light around and place it wherever you want. There is no need to keep it close to the nearest power plug. Furthermore, the wooden holder fits perfectly into every room and you don’t need to worry your moonlight lamp will roll away.
Your moon lamp – the perfect decor for any room
Do you, usually, keep a light on while sleeping? Why not just put our 3D moon lamp in your bedroom? The soft light can be dimmed and will help you fall asleep. It’s just as if the bright light of the moon was to fall through your bedroom window.

Not only the intensity but also the color of the lamp is adjustable. Do you prefer a brighter, white light which resembles an enchanted and mysterious moon? Or do you prefer warmer temperatures resembling the moon during an eclipse? You can use your moonlight lamp either as a reading lamp or create a romantic and bewitching atmosphere with orange and reddish colors.
Adjust the colors of your moon lamp
Of course, you can turn on whichever color you like! Your moon lamp can shine in pretty much every color. Would you like to enlighten your room in a dark blue light? Or what about trying the green one? Feel free to get creative and try all the different lights of your moon lamp.
For sure, your children will love to play with the different functions. Therefore, the moon lamp is not only the perfect decor for your bedroom but also for your children’s bedroom.
Our moon lamp’s properties
The moon lamp comes with a modern, wooden holder to place it on. Furthermore, it’s available in different sizes which makes it perfect for any room. It comes with a remote control that allows you to adjust the brightness and color of the moon lamp. Besides this, it has a hidden touch button.
Bring the fascinating moon into your own home
Since millennials, people have been fascinated with the moon. Not only is it part of different stories and narratives, but different cultures have their own theories about the lunar cycle. Even today, people believe in the moon’s effects on human behavior, sleep patterns, and women’s menstrual cycle.
Are you fascinated by the moon too? If so, our detailed 3D moon lamp is the perfect decor for your home. Of course, the moon lamp is, also, the perfect gift for everyone who loves watching the moon in the night sky!